The goal of almost every sexually active human is to orgasm while engaged in sexual activity, but did you know that you can orgasm involuntarily in your sleep? Sleep orgasms are common, especially amongst males who have just entered into puberty. We all know these orgasms as "wet dreams", however, women experience these sudden releases too. so what's the reason behind why this happens? I'm glad you asked!
While in the resting state, blood rushes to the sexual organs during the REM Cycle of sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) (you are dreaming when you are in a REM cycle) and swells the genitals causing arousal while asleep. When the "flow of blood peaks and releases, it results in an orgasm" giving you the same sensation as when you are awake. Some people sleep through their Sleeping orgasms while others wake up after they experience the sensation. Ejaculation is sometimes associate with these "wet dreams" in men, and increased vaginal wetness in women. Sometimes these erections and ejaculations are enhanced by sexual and erotic dreams, but in some cases they aren't.
I have to admit that when I had my first sleep orgasm, it was slightly scary but it felt so amazing that it lead me to research if other women have experienced this. I found out that it's quite a common occurrence and many women actually enjoy the experience! Who knew! So fellas, if you ever hear your lady moaning in her sleep, don't be alarmed..she's just experiencing the wonderful sensations of a sleep orgasm.
Lookey Lookey
I was wondering if she was thinking of me or….
Some co-workers of mine were talking about this. I have never experienced this myself. lol The initial thought of it was weird to me. lol
can’t lie, when I first experienced it, i was scared…I thought it was something wrong with me, until i researched it and found out that not only was it quite common, but it is also healthy
One day you will experience it
love the pics !!! got into pussy pumping with my dad when i was yungoer (started off using one of his penis pumps on my vagina when i was about 10 years old) still into it now that i’m 22, and have put together a nice collection of cups and pumps, including ones for my clit, nipples, and boobs. still our favorite way to masturbate together, and even have a dual hose the can pump both dad and me at the same time. everyone should try it, you’ll probably like it