Ladies, that old saying of "you are what you eat" holds a lot of truth ESPECIALLY when you are deciding to swallow a man's semen during oral sex. The foods and substances we put in our bodies contribute to our energy levels, the texture of our skin, the smell of our breath and even the smell and taste of our bodily secretions. THEREFORE, it is a true fact that you can change the way semen tastes just by monitoring your man's diet.
There is a distinct difference in the taste of semen between a man that smokes and drinks heavily with a poor diet consisting of greasy foods, and a man that has little to no liquor consumption, doesn't smoke and has a healthy diet consisting of fruits, veggies, protein and lots of water.
A healthy diet creates semen that has more of a basic ph with a taste that is some what smooth and neutral. Kind of weird describing the taste of semen as "smooth" but that's the best way I could describe it. On the flip side, a poor diet coupled with either a high alcohol consumption or ingestion of smoke gives semen a very bitter/tangy taste. Rumor has it that a man can create a sweet tasting semen by drinking a large amount of pineapple juice. In my experience with that experiment, I have never tasted this "sweetness" that's rumored to happen after a man drink Pineapple juice, but there are other women who say they have. All I can suggest to you is that you try it out with your man and see what happens!
SO, if your man wants you to become comfortable with swallowing, tell him to watch is diet and eat better if he already doesn't. If he smokes and drinks, have him cut it out for a week in exchange for you to swallow at the end of his "fast". It's important that you enjoy the taste in order to swallow. If not, you're definitely going to gag or throw up, and that's not the sexiest way to end a blow job.
Benny Klepacki
“It’s useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, drunk, or running for office.” ~ Shirley MacLaine
Lizzie Oberloh
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” ~ Emily Bronte