
What Is That White Creamy Stuff?

So you’re having sex and everything is going well, but when the penis is removed from the vagina it’s covered in a white, creamy discharge that both excites and concerns you.  It has no smell, it doesn’t stain and it seems to appear whenever she’s really enjoying the experience.  What is this white, creamy fluid-like


Video: The Science Of Orgasms

The goal of every person within a sexual experience is to reach a climax, AKA the coveted ORGASM, but what exactly is happening to the body and the brain when a person’s sexual energy reaches a climatic peak? Both men and women experience orgasms but the journey...

The Difference Between Cumming and Squirting

“Cumming” and “squirting” are words often used to describe female ejaculation during orgasm, but did you know that both of these acts are two completely different things?   That’s right.  If you’ve been wondering what’s the difference between cumming and squirting, I am here to lay down...

#Cranberrybox: Ways To Sweeten Genitals

While on twitter today I came across a hashtag #cranberrybox, and like any curious person I dedcided to fall into the rabbit hole of hashtag chatter to see what exactly are people talking about when it comes to cranberry juice.  Oh and behold, I come across conversation...

Pussy Sabotage: How Women Unknowingly Do Damage

One night while having a good ol time with myself, I began to think about how many women are so fearful of touching themselves and how many rarely take the time to show their vulvas and vaginas love.  I began to think about how we shave, wax...

The Case of The Emotional Pussy

It’s always said that men have the tendency to think with their little heads instead of their big heads, and I’ve seen this happen plenty of times to know that this statement is true.  However, what I didn’t know was that women are ruled by their vaginas in...

New Phone App Helps Improve Oral Sex skills

Seems like there is an app for everything these days! There are apps to help you work out, apps to help you learn how to cook, so if you would like to learn how to improve your oral sex skills there is now an app for that...

Facial Features Can Reveal Vagina Size

It’s always been said that you can tell a man’s penis size by the size of his feet, but did you know that you can actually get an approximate idea about the size and shape of a woman’s vagina based on her facial features? 233

What Men Need To Know About Periods

Once a month, every healthy, fertile woman gets a visit from Aunt Flo that brings bloating, cramping irritation and a very uncomfortable 7 days. Men cringe and shy away from discussing “the bleed”, but it is necessary for every man to know some important facts about this...

What Exactly is That “Fishy” Smell?

There is a smell that is often associated with the vagina that is unnatural: that godawful fishy smell. For years I have heard both men and women mention the smell in conversations and in jokes and never understood what they meant until I had the unfortunate opportunity...

For The Ladies: Working Out With Benwa Balls

Ever since the release of the popular kink book “50 Shades of Grey” Benwa balls have become increasingly popular and sales have gone through the roof, but many women are still unaware how these spherical beauties can 4